The Moment In Keith Richards' Career When He Went Too Far

In third place, with 15.7% of votes, is "Nearly setting the Playboy Mansion on fire." Per Rolling Stone, Richards and Rolling Stones saxophonist Bobby Keys were guests at the mansion, then located in Chicago, during a tour stop in that city in 1972. Richards and Keys sneaked off to do drugs in a bathroom and reportedly "nearly set it ablaze" in the process. In his autobiography, "Life," Richards remembered Keys noting it was "smoky in here" just before "thumping at the door, waiters and guys in black suits bringing buckets of water. They get the door open, and we're sitting on the floor, our eyeballs very pinned." The Mansion was saved, but Hugh Hefner relocated Playboy's headquarters to Los Angeles, California soon after.

A good 38.12% of respondents selected "Falling asleep at the wheel with his son in the backseat," making it the poll's second most/least popular Keith Richards "too far" moment. Rolling Stone quoted Richard's son Marlon (shown above with his father in 1972), who wrote in "Life" that the car, Richards' "Batmobile," was still in Richards' possession and "Until five or six years ago, there was still my bloody handprint on the back seat. And on the dashboard there was still the dent where my nose hit it." The incident occurred in 1976 as Richards was driving home from a gig in Knebworth, England, and to add insult to literal injury, Richards was arrested at the scene of the crash when authorities found acid in his jacket pocket. 
